Sunday, October 24, 2004

Life is whatever you decide it is in the moment. Lately I've been deciding to live a relatively positive life...It's really amazing how someone who's feeling really terrible, can just suck the life right out of you...I don't want to suck the life out of people...I used to do it all the time...Maybe I still do...if I do, let me apologize. I'm not going to be happy all of the time, but I'd like to be positive rather than angry and sad the majority of the time.

Ciara is getting me through my mornings with a smile on my face...My dad is actively changing his Karma, I'm managing to stay on task and still have a life, my friends are beautiful and I've been chanting, for all those ladies who are single, that fabulous boys will come along and recognize their beauty and sweep them up in sultry love affairs. Life will never be like a Nora Roberts book, but we can pretend, can't we?

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