Saturday, July 22, 2006

I went to Alonzo's family reunion in Massachusetts last weekend and had a blast. My Uncle and aunt live on a huge lake. I went paddle boating and kayaking for the first time, and also went intertubing in the back of my uncle John's boat. It was like a roller coaster, only better!

While I was kayaking, my sister and I passed by the most beautiful house I've ever seen. There was this big Buddha sitting out front and the sun rays were filtering through the trees. You could see the light playing off of the wooden siding of the house and the golden Buddha...Something about that scene was magic...I couldn't stop looking at it. It reminded me that life isn't only about working hard, getting a paycheck, or stressing out, but that life should also be about the quite magic moments we sometimes experience in nature. About the birds taking flight, soaring across a setting sun...Life is beauty.

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